Saturday, May 27, 2006

Rule 10: You will forget all of this at birth

Rule Ten

You will forget all of this at birth

You can remember it if you want by unraveling the double
helix of inner knowledge.
Faith is a gift of the spirit that allows the soul to remain
attached to its own unfolding.
Have faith in yourself that you wil remember your truth and the knowledge stored deep within
your soul. There may be moments in which you cannot see your way to clear to your truth -
moments of darkness and uncertainty. Life can be difficult, and there may be times when you
cannot make sense of it or stay afloat. These are the moments that require faith.
"We do not receive wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves
after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us."
The ultimate destination of your life path is wisdom. Wisdom is the highest and deepest
degree of knowledge, insight and understanding. It provides you with the broadest
perspective on life, its purpose, and the lessons you learn throughout your lifetime. When you
find your wisdom, you are living in the light.
"What we call results are beginnings."
Remind yourself that you are here to learn lessons.
Be present with your process. Pay attention to what you are experiencing.
Be diligent with actions which enable you to "get" the lessons presented to you.
Ask for answers and you shall receive them.
Listen with an open heart.
Explore all options.
See your judgement as a mirror.
View each crisis as an opportunity
Trust yourself.
Believe in yourself.
Look within yourself, to your higher self, for guidance on all your choices.
Extend compassion to yourself.
Remember, there are no mistakes, only lessons.
Love thyself, trust your choices and everything is possible!


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